Setting up a Validation Callback

  • A block that can be set in a TrustKit instance to be invoked for every request that is going through instance’s pinning validation logic.

    The callback will be invoked every time the validator performs pinning validation against a server’s certificate chain; if the server’s hostname is not defined in the pinning policy, no invocations will result as no pinning validation was performed.

    The callback provides the following arguments:

    • The TSKPinningValidatorResult resulting from the validation of the server’s identity.
    • The notedHostname, which is the entry within the SSL pinning configuration that was used for the server being validated.
    • The notedHostname‘s pinning policy, which was used for the server being validated.

    The callback can be used for advanced features such as performance measurement or customizing the reporting mechanism. Hence, most Apps should not have to use this callback. If set, the callback may be invoked very frequently and is not a suitable place for expensive tasks.

    Lastly, the callback is always invoked after the validation has been completed, and therefore cannot be used to modify the result of the validation (for example to accept invalid certificates).



    typedef void (^TSKPinningValidatorCallback)(TSKPinningValidatorResult *_Nonnull,
                                                NSString *_Nonnull,
                                                TKSDomainPinningPolicy *_Nonnull)


    typealias TSKPinningValidatorCallback = (TSKPinningValidatorResult, String, [String : Any]) -> Void
  • The pinning policy set for a specific hostname.



    typedef NSDictionary<TSKDomainConfigurationKey, id> TKSDomainPinningPolicy
  • A TSKPinningValidatorResult instance contains all the details regarding a pinning validation performed against a specific server.

    See more



    @interface TSKPinningValidatorResult : NSObject


    class TSKPinningValidatorResult : NSObject
  • Possible return values when verifying a server’s identity against a set of pins.

    See more



    enum TSKTrustEvaluationResult {}


    enum TSKTrustEvaluationResult : Int